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Drink up- large study finds that not consuming enough water increases risk of death by 20%

A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH) found evidence collected over 25 years strongly suggests that not maintaining significant hydration, increases the likelihood of ageing faster, developing chronic diseases and an earlier death.

The average human body is made up of around 60% water and is one of the 5 basic nutrients you need to live. The others are protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, but water is the only nutrient where absence will cause death within days. Water is an essential item for life. There is no replacement for drinking water and lack of it can lead to serious health problems, as this latest study has found.

The NIH study analysed sodium blood levels of 11,000 middle-aged adults (45-66) and followed them right into their 70s-90s. Higher sodium blood levels means a less hydrated state.

Adults with levels above 142 mEq/L had a 10% to 15% higher chance of being biologically older than their chronological age compared with participants in the 137 to 142 mEq/L range. The participants with higher faster-ageing risk also had a 64% greater likelihood for developing diseases such as heart failure, stroke, diabetes, dementia and chronic lung diseases.

But most shockingly of all, people with levels above 144 mEq/L had a 50% higher risk of being biologically older and a 21% higher risk of premature death.

Adults with serum sodium levels between 138 and 140 mEq/L, on the other hand, had the lowest risk of developing chronic disease.

Why not start this new year with a determination to drink more water for yourself and also ensure your loved ones or the ones you care for are also properly hydrated? Book a demo to see how we can help keep track of fluid intake for those who need it the most.

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